Отрасль:Зарплата, руб/мес:

Marketing manager

Добавлено: 19.03.2017

Контактная информация:

Контактное лицо:
Климентова Татьяна
Телефон: +7 (812) 3-32-22-44 доб. 3504
Оплата договорная
Чемпионат Мира ФИФА 2018
График работы:
полный рабочий день

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки:


• Previous experience with events and preferably with sporting event management
• Ideally possesses previous experience working with local / regional government and governmental related marketing / promotional plans.
• Candidate needs to have capacity to work independently and have a good deal of self-motivation
• Detail oriented and capacity to work accurately on several projects simultaneously
• Excels at negotiation and problem solving
• Skilled at reporting and communicating. Good capacity for following up issues and open topics.
• Energetic and with a capacity to work long hours
• Ability to work under pressure
• Flexibility to work at unique periods of time such as evenings and weekends Flexibility to work at several job sites such as stadiums and host city offices
• Flexibility to travel to Moscow and Zurich
• Computer literacy
• Fluency in English (able to write and speak)


• During the stadium construction period Stadium Marketing Manager is responsible to track the identification, preparation and fulfilment of all marketing requirements at the stadium. • Reports the stadium construction progress and Fan Fest preparation to the FIFA /LOC Marketing team and proactively proposes solutions to potential issues. • Works with all marketing related handbooks, guidelines, requirements and agreements, produced by FIFA Marketing. Communicates the respective requirements to stadium construction authorities, Fan Fest responsible and other stakeholders. • Attends official FIFA/LOC stadium inspections and assists the FIFA/LOC Marketing Operations team on site. • Assists the preparation of marketing specific stadium inspections at the venue, especially Commercial Affiliate stadium visits and visits by Marketing appointed service providers. • In the pre-event period will be responsible to assist the various marketing stakeholders such as the merchandise concessionaire and LED advertising board supplier fulfil site inspections and obtain answers with regards to stadium infrastructure and local legislation. • Assist the Marketing Operations functions together with the FIFA Marketing Venue team during the event periods. Marketing Operations is mainly focused on the rights delivery aspects of the events. In other words, ensuring the rights of the event sponsors are implemented correctly and professionally. • Will be mainly responsible for (during the event period, together with the Marketing Venue Team) delivering such marketing projects as Commercial Display, the Youth Programme, Value-in-kind and implementation of sponsor specific programmes. • Will also be responsible to help coordinate such macro projects such as Food & Beverage Concessions, Merchandising Concessions, Event Signage and Décor and Advertising Boards. • Acts as the “bridge” between the Marketing venue team and the LOC Venue Team to support with all venue operational details which affect the marketing areas. • Assists with marketing related topics at the training sites within and near the host city (i.e. installation of advertising boards, ensuring clean site, etc.). • Ensures that all required marketing facilities at the venue and in the host city are prepared and ready as agreed upon. • Assists relevant commercial affiliates with the delivery and installation of “Value-in-Kind” products. • Assists the Signage and Décor supplier to define all target route groups within the venue and to implement a directional signage plan together with the respective FIFA / LOC functional area counterparts. • Supports Signage other locations within the host city (airports, hotels, protocol routes). • Provide support to the Signage and Décor service provider on-site during the operation of the event. • Works with the Marketing Volunteers assigned to the specific venue. • Oversees correct usage of the FIFA event marks in the host city. • Monitor and report progress of the Host City beautification programme. • Facilitates the Host City Dressing programme and keep FIFA Marketing /LOC informed regarding progress. • Provides all necessary organisational and technical support to the contracted food & beverage concessionaire (s). • Responsible to report to the Marketing Operations Team in the FIFA Event Headquarters on a daily basis during the tournament and other events. • Provide support, as necessary for the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour. • Responsible for coordination of Host City uses of Official Marks and host city marketing activities. Responsible to coordinate these approvals with FIFA Headquarters in Zurich / Russia. • Actively consults the Host City with regards to Host City marketing activations and acts as FIFA’s liaison in the Host City to discuss all marketing related topics.

Похожие вакансии

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Другие вакансии

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09.03.2017Ассистент менеджера по транспортуот 18 000 руб.
Группа компаний Сияние
Транспорт, логистика, ВЭД

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